Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fotography competition

On Tuesday I submitted some fotos to a German Youth Fotography Competition. The theme was women's football and I used my best friend as a model.
I didn't really like the pictures because we didn't have enough time to take them in a way that I wanted to take them. So I inversed them on Phtotoshop to give them a weird look of tension and strangeness and foreigness.
I have no idea if they will win anything but they gave me an idea for a new studio project.

I'm going to make a fotography based studio project with a series of fotographs in this effect of a person doing many everyday actions. These everyday actions will be fotographed in a composition that contains tension in some way, I don't know what exactly yet. 
Then I'll put this inverse colour effect to estrange the normal pictures into something strange.
I might even paint them onto numerous small canvases that I'll hang up next to each other. 
I'll have to see. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

a new kind of TENSION

So far we've used one word for "filtering" our work.
Mine is TENSION.
However, the last project we have done had to be related to work and fotos we took in Paris.
I'm going to change that and focus on a different type of TENSION that doesn't have to do with the main architectural focus in Paris. I feel trapped because it's like a limited option.