A time was arranged to meet at Campo (I was unaware).
I call kinky dave
"Where are you?"
"Meliiiiina were reeeeeallly laaate!!!"
"oh crap ok wait for me ill meet you and we'll go there together."
i hang up. i run to piazza de spagna.
Kinky and Gioia are frantically waving at me across the piazza.
We run down via del corso, barging into annoyed tourists, tripping on rough cobblestones, sweat gathering on our features.
20 minutes later
We arrive at campo, nobody in sight.
"Goddd where are theyy?"
"i dont know, somebody call them..."
"Now what?"
"i dont know... lets ask around..."
"what, you wanna ask where that place is where you can draw nude people?"
..... awwkward silence.....
"its our only chance..."
the Quest begins.
first boutique
"scusi signora, lei conosce un posto o studio d'arte dove si puo disegnare degli personi nude?"
"scusi???" the woman turns scarlet, her eyes pop out.
kinky and me run away giggling. poor gioia.
next place. a kiosk.
same question
AWKWARD silence... "ehhh nooo mi scusi no non lo so un posto cosi..."
(the italian at this point might not be quite accurate)
we move on.
the last flower stands are being cleaned up, they should know, they work here...
"scusi lei sa dove c'é un studio d'arte qui vicino? per disegnare dei modelli nudi?"
the man, laughs and points to his friend.
"si lui non conosce un posto cosi, nessuno lo conosce..."
the other man, very italian, mid 40s, balding grins, pensively strokes his chin
"ehhhhhh, guarda c'é un posto d'arte qua vicino sulla via governo vecchio... maaa bohhh... se volete posso fare io il modello!"
dave's facial expression suggests panic and terror as he slowly retreats behind a lamp post.
we leave quickly.
we walk down all of via dell governo vecchio, angry, disappointed, hot and fussy.
"guys... ok no. lets get an ice cream."
"yeahh i neeed water"
"my back hurts"
we find a gelateria. we choose. we collapse on bar stools.
"guys? i think i might get seconds. this is comfort food."
The End.